Monday, October 4, 2010

What the manufacturers won't tell you...

Consumers who have noticed a change in how their dishwasher is working are not alone. A viewer asked News 8 to look into the issue.
Joyce Bohn is a little reluctant to open her dishwasher these days, she said."Oh boy, I was afraid of this," said Bohn.Her dishes were coming out of the dishwasher looking like the appliance had not even been turned on."The glasses were so terrible you could hardly see through them. They had a real bad feel to the outside," said Bohn.At first, Bohn thought her 20-year-old dishwasher was the problem."We went out and bought a new dishwasher to the tune of $759," said Bohn.But that didn't even get the dishes cleaner. So she called Proctor & Gamble -- the company that makes her dishwashing powder."I have been using Cascade powder for years, ever since I had a dishwasher," said Bohn.She was shocked to get this response on the other end of the line: "We've been getting a high volume of calls of complaints because the powder is no longer working. You should stop using it."As of July 1, Pennsylvania joined 15 other states in banning all phosphates in dishwashing powder.When phosphorus gets into fresh water, it acts as a fertilizer and promotes algae growth. When the algae begins to die out, it sucks the oxygen out of the water, killing off fish and other forms of aquatic life.She has now switched over to the Cascade gel and it's working great, Bohn said.But she wishes the company had come clean about the change in their product before she dropped a lot of change for a new dishwasher."I guess my question is, why wasn't the public informed?" said Bohn.Proctor & Gamble said it does not plan to phase out the dishwasher powder despite consumer complaints.

It's a shame that Mrs. Bohn doesn't realize that the chlorine in the Cascade gel is harmful to her family, but if P&G isn't going to tell them their products don't work, do you think they'll tell them that they're harmful?....

The truth is good enough for Melaleuca, and the products are safer for you, children and our environment.

Can a buck really make a difference?

I work part-time sharing information with everyone I can about a company that can change their lives just like it changed mine. It's possible to make additional income for your family and not spend hours working at the mall trading time for money. Five years ago if someone had told me that I'd have a way to change people's lives and help more than 300 people, I don't think I would have believed them. Wow! I can't believe it, helping stay at home moms, single moms, kids with asthma and autism, a Realtor looking to make something work between commissions, contractors, hair stylists, teachers, doctors....the list goes on and on. I've been able to make a difference daily, and I love doing it! Are you ready for a change? Let me help.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sharing information that you should know!

Sol-U-Guard Botanical
Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach

Which cleaning product would you rather use and expose your family to?


From Clorox website:

A clean kitchen is good. One that's also disinfected is even better. Discover how easy it is to help reduce harmful bacteria and other microbes if you use the proper tools.

From the back of the Clorox bottle:  Kills germs on hard, nonporous surfaces…

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. USE ONLY IN WELL-VENTILATED AREAS. Before use, open windows and turn on fan. If vapors bother you, leave room while product is working. Avoid contact with clothes, fabric, wood, rubber and painted and paper surfaces. Prolonged contact with metal, old porcelain or worn plastic laminate may cause discoloration.

TO CLEAN AND DISINFECT HARD NONPOROUS SURFACES: Direct application: Directly apply with cloth and wet surfaces completely. Let stand 5 minutes. For heavily soiled surfaces, preclean surface before disinfecting.
PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS: HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. WARNING: EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. Vapors may irritate. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. For sensitive skin or prolonged use, wear gloves. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Not recommended for use by persons with heart conditions or chronic respiratory problems, such as asthma, emphysema or obstructive lung disease. FIRST AID IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. IF BREATHING IS AFFECTED:             Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. IF SWALLOWED: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glassful of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center of doctor or going for treatment. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS: This product contains bleach. Do not use or mix this product with other household chemicals, such as ammonia, toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers or acid, as this releases hazardous gases. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store this product in a cool area to avoid deterioration. Do not reuse empty container. Offer empty container for recycling. If recycling is not available, discard container in trash. In case of spills, flood area with large quantities of water.

Sol-U-Guard Botanical® 2x Concentrate Disinfectant.
Kills 99.9% of common household germs using citric acid and botanical thyme oil.

From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Sheet

NOTE: When people call Poison Control for information, this is the sheet that they use to research any danger and/or to advise treatment if necessary.

2.1 Emergency Overview

2.2 OSHA Regulatory Status

Sol-U-Guard Botanical is NOT hazardous within the meaning of the OSHA

Hazard Communication Standard.

2.3 Potential Health Effects

Eyes: No effect per FIFRA regulations.
Skin: No effect per FIFRA regulations.
Ingestion: No effect per FIFRA regulations.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: None known.
Interactions with Other Chemical Known to Enhance Toxicity: None known.

2.4 Potential Environmental Effects
Not applicable.

Section 3: Composition/Information on
Contains thymol (present as a component of thyme oil).

See entire Material Safety Data Sheet here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Story

A friend recently asked me how I got started with Melaleuca. I love to share this story because it was a pretty significant event in my life. I wanted to share it with you.

On superbowl Sunday in 06 we went to church in the evening. There had been a roof leak at the church and there was black mold growing in a closet in the basement. I had asthma and the mold sent me into the worst asthma attack I had ever had. I had to leave within minutes and had to use my inhaler 4 times that evening to stay out of the ER. The next day I was at the dr. and was given all the steroids and inhalers that they use to treat asthma and because of that my immune system tanked and I ended up in February with double ear infections! 4 antibiotics later I still had the ear infections and I was exhausted! I slept 9 hrs at night and put the kids in their room for "quiet time" during the day so I could nap. I was SO frustrated. I remember asking the dr if they could give me something to help build up my immune system so my body could fight the ear infections--they just said they had to get rid of the infections first. More frustration!

I was telling a friend of mine that story at a homeschooling co-op and she asked me if I had ever heard of Melaleuca. I said, "What's that? It sounds like skin cancer." She laughed and told me that it's a manufacturing company and they make natural products and when her husband had prostate cancer he took the vitamins and had lots of energy. That was what perked my interest so I said we'd listen. We saw the presentation and by the end I told my husband I wasn't interested. My husband reassured me, and said since we can get all our money back, we should at least try it, so we did! I enrolled March 28. A week later after taking the vitamins my energy levels skyrocketed and I had friends asking me what I was doing differently. With help from my mentor I showed 9 of those friends what I was doing and had made $435! My business had been born! Now 4 years later my average check is almost 4x larger, and it comes in every month  after working part-time. Pretty cool!

Monday, April 12, 2010

A way "out" from a stress-filled life

The stresses and pressures of life can really weigh you down, get the kids up, go to work, come home, make dinner, try to spend some time with the kids, put them to bed, and bills--the stress level just ratcheted up about 10 notches. It just seems like it's harder and harder to just keep up(who can even dream about getting ahead!)

We recently had conversations with 3 separate people about this very topic, and they fell into three distinct categories. One feels there can't possibly be anything better, "we're just always going to struggle, so let's just get used to it." The next one is thinking about ways to cut back, to lessen the expenses in the household. The third one wants to "do whatever has to be done" to make life better and to reach the goals they have as a family. As we talked, we explored their options, the wife or husband could get a second job that would take them away from the family because they already both work full-time. Then we talked about working from home with a company that shares the same values that they do, helping people, being debt-free.

They've decided to team up with us and enhance people's lives by introducing others to Melaleuca. They've had great success in just a few days. They've shared the information, and are well on their way to making a substantial supplemental income! It's so much FUN working with them!

It's a matter of a week they went from being stress-filled to having a plan and working it and seeing their goals being met...I LOVE my job!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Be careful what you throw away!

I ran into a lady at the store today who's been a customer with for over a year. We chatted a little bit about what  products she likes and how her life is being enhanced by being a part of this great company. At one point she sheepishly admitted something to me. She's been throwing away the 8.5x 5.5envelope that came every month around the 17th of the month because she just thought it was some kind of statement...... until one day....She had decided to open it up and after she took out the papers, she inadvertantly dropped them and on the last page was a check! It wasn't a huge check, just about $3, but she had just been about to throw it out! Her husband looked at it and said, "Is that a REAL check?" She said, "I think it is!" and then she realized....She'd been throwing out checks for a year! Now I know that $3 isn't much--but it's a cup of gourmet coffee! So the lesson that I hope this conversation teaches you, is that as customers with our company you can get a check EVERY month-up to $50! So read your mail, and cash your check! And on your way to the bank think about this--Has WalMart ever given you a check just for being a customer.....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A New Month, A New Adventure

So April burst forth today! I woke up feeling pretty yucky with a cold and then got some GREAT news! We are able to continue to offer $1 enrollments! Last month the company grew by 50,000 in North America. Can you believe it?

I've been reading on facebook about friends who are losing their jobs as teachers in New Jersey. It breaks my heart! They dedicate their lives educating other people's kids, and their livelihood is gone in an instant.

I want to help...that's why I do what I do. It drives me to pick up the phone and call someone and ask them to get together to see a presentation. I am so excited about the goal that Howard and I have set. We want to help 5 people earn $10,000 THIS YEAR! I'm reaching out to everyone I know and asking them who they know who needs some additional income. Want to help us reach our goal? We'd be grateful, and so will the people you introduce us to.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a month!

Well, there's one day left to this whirlwind of a month! Whew!

March is a month of new possibilities. New spring growth sprouts from the ground and buds from the trees, and this month started with a new benefit to all new customers --$1 enrollments. We got to work and started setting appointments with people that we knew would be able to benefit --either from the healthier, safer products, or from the opportunity to earn a substantial income along side of what they are already doing.

And now, as the month draws to a close, we've been able to introduce 10 people to this fantastic company. 10! That's a new record for us! We've gained customers, as well as business partners, and we're really excited about whats going to be happening in April!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Product Usage

There are tons of ways the products can enhance your life. Renew lotion has just been the BEST lotion I have ever tried. I had severe excema on my legs from an allergy to blue jean dye. I had tried EVERY lotion on the market, and even tried the steroidal cream from the dermatologist. None of those things got rid of the excema. When I tried the Renew, the first thing I noticed is that it DID NOT burn on open skin! What a relief! That also makes it great for baby's diaper rash! So, after about 2 weeks of using the Renew, I noticed that my excema started to get better, now, 4 years later, I don't have excema anymore--All because of the Renew

What a difference four years makes--Lisa Pflugh

I've been a customer and Marketing Executive with Melaleuca for four years-yesterday. I can't believe how my life has changed in that time. I've gone from a homeschooling mom whose idea of business attire was jeans and maybe a shirt that buttoned, to a professional business woman. If you had asked me five years ago what I would be doing now, I would NEVER have imagined that my life would look the way it does....and it all started with a conversation...