Monday, December 22, 2014

When you think about creating a healthy home for your family, what do you think of? Eating organic food? Getting enough exercise? What about the household products that you bring into your home?

Many people feel they have to choose between a healthy home and a clean home. Does fighting germs in your home mean using disinfectants loaded with dangerous, harsh chemicals like Clorox and Lysol? That’s what it meant for me for many years. My mom cleaned with those products, so I did. There were times I tried to clean with “green” products, but they ended up not working and so I threw them out and wasted money.

The way that I keep my family healthy is by removing all the toxic, dangerous grocery store products and replacing them with natural, healthy alternatives that work as well or better than the ones from the grocery store.  A friend cared enough to tell me how I could make my family healthier by simply changing where I shop. A year later, both the asthma and eczema I had for 20 years are gone, and my children are less sick than they had been in years. Almost 9 years later, I am blessed to be able to share with others how they can have effective, safe products in their homes.

Interested in learning more about how a simple change in where you shop for your household products can help your family achieve a healthier home? Let’s chat!